Here’s Why You Should Never Store Chopped Onions In The Fridge

Onions are a reservoir of microorganisms as they can foster the growth of bacteria even if they are not exposed to any pathogens. 

Ritika Sakhuja
Written by: Ritika SakhujaUpdated at: Nov 17, 2023 13:37 IST
Here’s Why You Should Never Store Chopped Onions In The Fridge

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Onions are a staple in Indian cuisine. If it is not used as a key part of meal prep, it is used as a side salad or condiment. However, when it comes to storing chopped onions, the fridge might not be the best place to keep them.  A 2020 study titled ‘Microbial Contamination of Cut and Exposed Onions’ referred to onions as a ‘reservoir of microorganisms,’ revealing that cut onions can foster the growth of bacteria even if they are not exposed to any pathogens. However, this fact is still highly debated among the nutrition community. Beyond the accumulation of bacteria, here’s a brief analysis of why you should not keep chopped or peeled onions in the fridge.

Flavour and Aroma Contamination

Chopped Onions Storage

One of the primary reasons to avoid storing chopped onions in the fridge is their strong aroma. Onions have a potent scent that can easily transfer to other foods in your refrigerator. This can result in an unwanted mingling of flavours and odours, making your other stored items taste and smell like onions. Nobody wants onion-flavoured strawberries or leftover pizza that smells like a salad.

Also Read: Should You Have Your Onions Raw Or Cooked: Which Is More Nutritious?

Moisture Content

Chopped onions contain a significant amount of moisture, and refrigeration can lead to moisture retention. This excess moisture can cause onions to become soft and mushy over time, diminishing their texture and appeal. If you've ever pulled out a container of slimy, refrigerated chopped onions, you know how unappetizing this can be.

Formation of Harmful Compounds

Chopped Onions Storage

Chopped onions contain enzymes that can react with the cold temperatures of the refrigerator. This reaction can lead to the formation of sulfurous compounds, as onions contain sulphur, which can create an unpleasant, bitter taste in your dishes. These compounds are more likely to develop in the fridge than at room temperature.

Freezer Burn Risk

Some people choose to store chopped onions in the freezer to avoid the issues related to refrigeration. However, this method has its own set of problems. Chopped onions stored in the freezer are susceptible to freezer burn, which can result in the loss of flavour and texture. 

Also Read: Why Do Onions Make You Cry? Here’s How To Cut Without Tearing Up

In conclusion, while the convenience of pre-chopped onions may be tempting, it's best to avoid keeping them in the fridge. The strong aroma, moisture retention, the potential for harmful compound formation, and freezer burn risks are all valid reasons to reconsider this storage method. As per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), keeping onions in a sealed container at a temperature of 40°F or 4.4°C inside the fridge is the best way to store them. Another hack that the USDA mentioned is to store onions in a fridge by wrapping each peeled onion in a dry paper towel to reduce the chances of exposure to moisture in the air. However, to preserve the freshness and flavour of chopped onions the best practice is to chop onions just before you need them.
