Want To Get Rid Of Blackheads? Try These 6 Amazing DIY Face Masks To Remove Those Skin Pores

Blackheads and whiteheads are a very common skin problem. Check out these DIY face masks to get rid of those skin pores. Read on.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by: Navya KharbandaUpdated at: Jan 13, 2021 09:49 IST
Want To Get Rid Of Blackheads? Try These 6 Amazing DIY Face Masks To Remove Those Skin Pores

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

A skin care routine requires washing your face regularly, scrubbing, applying face masks and a lot of other essentials. Our skin is sensitive and an easy target for many uncontrollable environmental factors or weather conditions, be it winter or summer season. The skin can get negative affected due to the air pollutants and other harmful toxins majorly. Due to the stimuli, you can get several skin problems like acne, dry patches, rashes, blisters, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. 

Talking about blackheads, they are also known as a type of acne and is an extremely common skin problem. They are very much visible and prominent on the skin, especially on one's face. The main causes of blackheads are oily skin, hormonal changes, some medicines, ageing, cosmetics, excess sweating, stress and hot weather. An individual has to take the help of home remedies and self care tips to protect the skin and make it soft, smooth and refreshing. So, you can use kitchen ingredients, medicinal and herbal elements to prepare DIY face masks for your skin. Read on to know about the some amazing natural DIY face masks to get rid of blackheads. 

Blackheads DIY face masks

Blackheads are basically very small lumps that are not bumpy but appear in the hair follicles. The most affected body parts are back, chest, shoulder and face. Blackheads are the collection of an excess secretion of oil and sebum in the skin, and they essentially clog our pores. They are formed when your skin pores get blocked because of the oversecretion of oil and sebum. In fact, an adverse bacterial action and neglect can lead to a blackhead transform into a painful acne. If you don’t know where to begin, we have a list of DIY blackhead removal mask recipes for you. So, here are 6 DIY face masks for blackheads:

1. Egg white and lemon juice mask


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice


  • Firstly, mix the egg white and lemon juice together
  • Then, apply this face mask on your face to get rid of blackheads, avoiding the eyes and eyebrows
  • Leave it on for atleast 10-15 minutes
  • The skin with start will start getting tight as the mask gets dried up
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water and apply a moisturizer to eliminate the dryness
  • Apply this mask atleast 1-2 times in a week

How is it useful:

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of blackheads. It not just treats your skin problems, but also rejuvenates it with glow. Egg white is a natural astringent and helps in toning your skin. It removes your black and white pores and makes your skin dead skin pores free. Lemon juice has antibacterial properties, antioxidants and is also a natural bleaching ingredient that helps in brightening up your skin.

2. Oatmeal, yogurt and honey mask

oatmeal mask


  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Soak the oatmeal in the yogurt for a few minutes to soften it
  • Then, add one tablespoon honey into this paste
  • Apply this face mask or scrub on your face
  • and even give yourself a gentle massage
  • Let it stay for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash it off with cold water and do this twice a week

How is it useful:

Honey, yogurt and oatmeal scrub can play the role of a beneficial exfoliator for your skin. Exfoliating your skin is also a vital part of skin care and contributes towards blackhead removal as well. This oatmeal scrub can help in removing the dead skin cells and excess impure particles in your skin, this a blackheads free face. Once the dead skin cells get reduced, you can get smooth and soft skin too. Yogurt contains lactic acid that also helps in cleansing and honey is also a skin brightening ingredient in your face mask.

3. Cinnamon powder and honey mask


  • 4 tablespoon honey
  • Two tablespoon cinnamon powder


  • Put cinnamon powder and honey together in a bowl
  • Then, mix them with a brush or spoon
  • Apply this mask on your face and let it stay for 10-15 minutes
  • Finally, rinse it off with warm water

How is it useful:

Cinnamon powder helps in tightening skin pores and improving blood circulation. This property plays a major role in getting rid of blackheads. Honey also helps in brightening up the skin also helping in removing the blackheads. You can add a little lemon juice to this for its beneficial anti bacterial properties for your skin.


4. Baking soda and honey mask


  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  • Mix the baking soda and honey in a small bowl
  • Then, apply the paste all over your face using a facial brush or your fingers
  • Let it stay on for around 10-15 minutes
  • Baking soda might irritate your skin if you keep it on for a longer while
  • So, wash it with cold water after 10-15 minutes
  • Do this atleast once a week

How is it useful:

Just like oatmeal face mask, baking soda also acts as an exfoliator that removes dead skin cells, thus blackhead removal too. It also helps in neutralizing the pH of your skin. While honey is a major healing and brightening agent that helps your skin in looking fresh as ever. You can choose to apply this face mask just on your T-zone areas as they are the most oily parts of your face and have blackheads usually. Do not use thus mask if you have a sensitive skin as baking soda can be a danger for your skin.

5. Green tea and aloe Vera/cucumber mask


  • Dry green tea leaves
  • Aloe Vera gel/leaves
  • Cucumber


  • Take 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel and crush the dry green tea leaves
  • Then, mix both of them and make a smooth paste
  • You can also take the actual green tea for this purpose, but it will be a runny paste
  • And, you can also add half crushed cucumber in this paste
  • Apply the mixture on your face using a cotton ball and let it stay for around 15-20 minutes
  • Then, wash it off with cold water
  • Repeat this process atleast twice a week
green tea mask

How is it useful:

Even green tea is a home remedy to get rid of blackheads naturally. It is loaded with antioxidants that help in keeping your skin clean and protected from excess oil and toxins. On the other hand, aloe Vera is also a famous natural remedy that is used on the skin and hair as well. It is multipurpose and a huge addition to your beauty care regimen. Aloe Vera has a natural compound called aloin present in it. This element helps in removing the dark skin pores on your face. Cucumber will also help in freshening and brightening up your skin.

6. Cinnamon, turmeric, and yogurt mask


  • 4 tablespoons of cinnamon powder
  • Half cup of yogurt 
  • 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder 


  • Mix all the ingredients including cinnamon powder, yogurt and turmeric powder
  • Apply this pack on your face and let it sit for atleast 10-15 minutes
  • Wash it off and you can easily get rid of pimples within a week or two

How is it useful:

As mentioned above, cinnamon powder helps in tightening skin pores and improving blood circulation, resulting in blackhead as well as whitehead removal. While, yogurt has lactic acid and turmeric contains antioxidants and anti inflammatory components that help in blackhead removal and making the skin glow.

Many people try to squish out the blackhead from its pore to get rid of it. However, squeezing them out is not at all a wise option as it can make the pore even worse. So, don't go for self removal and use the above mentioned DIY face masks instead. Moreover, you can even talk to a dermatologist before applying any of the natural remedies on your face. A skin specialist can help you out with other alternative methods to get rid of blackheads as well.

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