10 Tips To Take Care Of Coloured Hair At Home

Listed below are some tips and tricks that you can follow to make your hair colour look nice and fresh for longer

Charu Sharma
Written by: Charu SharmaUpdated at: Jun 22, 2021 16:46 IST
10 Tips To Take Care Of Coloured Hair At Home

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

We all have been experimenting with our hair, especially during the lockdown phase. A fresh haircut, a new hairstyle and sometimes a small thing such as a new hair accessory can do the trick. Hair colour is another thing that can give you a completely different outlook. To cover the greys, hair colour has become a way to elevate the overall look. From highlights to ombre and from balayage to ombre, there are many options to choose from. As fun and fashionable it sounds, the more stressful it can be to take care of your hair after hair colouring. After undergoing a colour treatment, your hair strands become more fragile and the risk of getting damaged increases, but we have got your back.

If you plan to get your pretty locks dyed, this article is for you.

Coloured Hair Care Tips

Here are some effective home-care tips for coloured hair:

1# Do not wash hair immediately after colouring

Do not wash your freshly colored hair right away. This is because you need to let the colour set in there for about 3 days. Hence, follow the hair colour pack instructions and wash your hair accordingly after the hair colour. You need to follow the instructions given on the hair colour for it to last longer. Also, opt for shampoos specifically meant for coloured hair as regular shampoos may lead to hair colour bleeding faster than usual.

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2# Your shampoo is a game-changer

Once you get your hair coloured, you just cannot go for any drug store shampoo. You need to ponder upon the products you will be using for your hair. Go for some gentle and mild cleanser or a shampoo designed for colour-treated hair because your shampoo plays a vital role in your hair looks.

3# Less frequent washes is the key

Each time you shampoo your hair, you lose a little bit of colour, which makes it look less vibrant and dull in a short period of time. Make sure that you do not wash your hair very frequently and there is a nice gap between your 2 subsequent hair washes. If you feel you need to wash your hair for some event or function, look for dry shampoo and occasional uses only.

4# Conditioning is a must

The chemicals being used to colour your hair might make your hair rough and dry, and hence you need to keep them nourished and moisturized. Whenever you wash your hair, make sure that you are using a colour-safe conditioner too. This step will help you make your locks look healthy, shiny, soft and smooth.

5# Excessive heat can be harmful

You might have to bid a farewell to your heat styling tools, as excessive use might make your hair colour fade. If you still need to style your hair and are not left with any other option, make sure that you use these styling products at lower temperatures along with some heat protectant serums.


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6# Chlorine can be your foe

Known for its bleaching property, chlorine can damage your coloured hair and make them look dry and dull. The amount of chlorine present in swimming pools can cause a lot of harm to your hair. Stay away from a pool day as much as you can, or just go for a swim cap to avoid the harmful chlorine getting in contact with your hair while swimming. Also, there are plenty of shampoos that have chlorine in it. So read properties before using any new shampoo or conditioner.

7# Not just your skin, but hair needs sun protection too

Vitamin D might be good for your health, but too much sun exposure is not what your hair needs. Harsh sun can actually make your hair colour fade away and hence using an SPF specially designed for your hair can be very helpful. Sounds like a lot of investment? You can always opt for a nice and stylish hat that would protect your hair and skin and become a style statement. 


8# Cold showers on the go

This one would not sound much relaxing for some of you, but using hot water for your hair can actually leave them dry, dull, frizzy and damaged and is another factor that might lead to hair fall. As much as you need to protect your hair from any other kind of heat treatment, it is important to know that hot water showers are not a good idea. Do wash your hair with cold to lukewarm water to make that colour last long and your mane look shinier.

9# Oil massage is what you need

A home remedy that we all swear by. You can never go wrong with a nice and relaxing oil massage. It doesn't just nourish your hair but also makes them moisturized and protects them from any further damage. This year's old trick followed by our grandmothers can be very effective for colour-treated hair too.

Also Read: DIY Hair Dye: Unable To Find Dyes In The Market? Here’s How You Can Make These 3 Hair Dyes At Home

10# Healthy diet, healthy life

A healthy diet is for maintaining a good figure and plays an integral role in how your hair looks. What gets inside your body has a significant role to play in the way your hair looks, so make sure that you take a nutritious and vitamin-rich balanced diet to make your barnet look good.

These were some of the tips which you can follow to make your hair colour look vibrant and protect your hair from getting damaged. With a little care, you can make your beautiful and trendy coloured hair healthy and shiny too.

(Written by Charu Sharma, Sub Editor, Onlymyhealth)

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