Tips To Prevent Food Cravings By Expert Mugdha Pradhan

Healthy DietBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamOct 25, 2023

Do you experience untimely food cravings? This is an issue that most people experience. You may suddenly crave for something(that is mostly unhealthy) and end up consuming it. While it is fine to eat what you like, satiating your cravings every single time can negatively impact your overall health and not just digestive health. In most cases, cravings arise or boredom or breakdown and you end up stuffing yourself with unhealthy or junk food. Even if you crave health, avoid its untimely consumption.

What are food cravings? Well, it is a condition where you crave for a specific food item or you consume something to compensate for a taste that you didn’t like.

In this video, Mugdha Pradhan, Functional Nutritionist shares some tips including:

Salt Craving- If you are craving something salty, simply add a pinch of salt to a glass of soda or lime water or fresh lime soda. This will instantly curb your salt craving.

Chocolate Craving- This is common in women during PMS and menstruation. This could be due to magnesium deficiency. To curb this craving, you can have a small dark chocolate. Avoid other chocolates as these are loaded with sugar.

Sweet Craving- This is one of the common cravings that most people experience. To prevent sugar consumption, you should distract yourself. Drink a glass of water or consume a small piece of dark chocolate to curb the cravings.
