Are You Offering the Right Support? 7 Things to Avoid When Helping Someone with Anxiety

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you contribute to a supportive atmosphere to make a positive impact on their mental health. Read ahead.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Nov 28, 2023 13:51 IST
Are You Offering the Right Support? 7 Things to Avoid When Helping Someone with Anxiety

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

If you have a friend or loved one struggling with anxiety, creating a supportive and understanding environment is crucial for their well-being. Here are a few things to avoid when interacting with someone with anxiety.

Things to Avoid When Helping Someone with Anxiety

1. Minimising Their Feelings

It's essential to acknowledge and validate their emotions. Avoid downplaying their anxiety by saying things like, "It's not a big deal" or "Just relax." Instead, offer empathy and a listening ear.

2. Pushing Them Into Uncomfortable Situations

Respect their boundaries and avoid pressuring them into situations that may trigger anxiety. Allow them to share their comfort levels and be patient as they navigate their own pace in overcoming challenges.

3. Providing Unsolicited Advice

While your intentions may be positive, offering advice without being asked can be overwhelming. Instead, ask if they would like guidance or support and respect their decision if they prefer to handle things on their own.

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4. Being Judgmental

People with anxiety often fear judgement. Avoid making comments that may be perceived as critical or dismissive. Create a non-judgmental space where they feel safe expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Things to Avoid When Helping Someone with Anxiety

5. Dismissing Their Condition

Anxiety is a real and challenging condition. Avoid dismissing it as merely "in their head" or attributing it to overthinking. Recognise the legitimacy of their struggles and offer support without judgement.

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6. Surprising Them

Unexpected situations can be anxiety-inducing for someone dealing with anxiety. When possible, communicate plans in advance and check in on their comfort level. This allows them to prepare mentally and emotionally for upcoming events.

7. Using Tough Love

While tough love might work in some situations, it's not always beneficial for individuals with anxiety. Instead of pushing them to face their fears head-on, provide gentle encouragement and support as they navigate their challenges.

Remember, everyone's experience with anxiety is unique, so open communication is key. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you contribute to a supportive and understanding atmosphere that can make a significant positive impact on their mental health. 
