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How To Tell If Frozen Food Has Gone Bad

Not all foods in the freezer are safe to eat. Some of them go bad due to several reasons. Here’s how to know

Tenzin Chodon
Written by: Tenzin ChodonUpdated at: Nov 12, 2023 15:35 IST
How To Tell If Frozen Food Has Gone Bad

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

When it comes to certain foods, you can never leave them outside of a refrigerator. You do that and you have yourself some stale, rotten foods to clean up. Refrigeration helps maintain a safe temperature range, which preserves the freshness and prevents spoilage of perishable items like dairy, meat, and prepared dishes. 

But sometimes, freezing foods does not help either, rather it becomes even more difficult to detect foods that have gone bad. This is because freezing stops the usual signs of spoilage, like bad smells or changes in texture, which is why even if they don't seem great when you thaw and cook it, people think it might still be safe to eat. So how do you know if frozen foods have gone bad? Speaking with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Edwina Raj, Head of Services, Clinic Nutrition and Dietetics, Aster CMI Hospital, shares useful insights.

Also Read: Kitchen Hacks To Keep Foods In The Fridge Fresher And Last Longer

Look For Expiration Date Or Any Package Damage

It is important to pay attention to expiration or best-by dates on packaging, says Dr Raj, adding, “While frozen foods can still be safe after these dates, it may have lost quality.” Moreover, one must check for any torn packaging. “If the packaging is torn, punctured, or damaged in any way, it can lead to freezer burn or contamination,” the doctor shares. Freezer burn is a condition wherein foods get exposed to air in the freezer, leading to dehydration and causing foods to develop dry, discoloured, and often tough or unpleasant-textured patches. According to Dr Raj, freezer burn is also one of the most common issues with frozen food.

Unusual Or Bad Odour

Another classic way to tell if frozen food has gone bad is to check if it has a smell. An unusual or off-putting odour is how Dr Raj describes it, adding that you can trust your sense of smell to determine the food’s freshness. 

Ice Crystals Inside Food Packaging

Ice crystals inside the packaging of frozen food is often an indicator that the food has experienced freezer burn or has been stored improperly. This can happen when moisture within the food dries out and then refreezes on the food's surface. 

Dr Raj says, "Small ice crystals are normal in frozen food, but if you notice large, jagged crystals, it might be a sign of thawing and refreezing, indicating a loss of quality." 

Also Read: Frozen Foods: 5 Foods To Never Buy

Change In The Texture Of The Food

Most often, ice crystals, freezing, and thawing can affect the texture of food. If you find that the texture is mushy, grainy, or overly tough, it might be a sign that the food has deteriorated.

How To Store Food Properly 

“To ensure the longevity and safety of your frozen food, follow proper packaging and labelling, and store food at 0°F (-18°C) or lower. When in doubt, use your senses to assess the quality of frozen items, as they are usually your best indicators of spoilage,” Dr Raj advises. 

Whenever you plan to store leftovers, do so by using airtight, freezer-safe containers or bags to prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness. Also, label items with date and organise the freezer to ensure older items are used first. 
