How To Keep Your Heart Healthy: Tips From Doctor

Heart HealthBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamOct 12, 2023

Heart is one of the most important organs of the human body. It conducts many vital functions that ensure overall health and wellbeing of the person. Considering the continuous rising cases of heart problems in the younger population, it has become imperative to talk about heart health and raise awareness regarding cardiovascular ailments. If we are aware of risk factors that affect heart health and take necessary precautions, it is possible to forestall heart issues. In this video, Dr Sanjay Kumar, Director & HOD- Fortis Escorts Hospital, Faridabad shares some helpful tips to keep your heart healthy.

Key reasons for heart diseases

Before diving into the solutions, let us understand the common triggers of heart disease. As per Dr Kumar, high blood pressure or hypertension, high blood sugar or diabetes, high cholesterol, stress, sedentary lifestyle and smoking are the main risk factors for heart diseases.

How to reduce the risk of heart diseases?

Here are some tips to keep your heart healthy:

Avoid smoking- Smoking is one of the major causes of heart attacks in younger adults.

Manage diabetes- Diabetics are at four times greater risk of developing heart ailments. You must work towards preventing and managing diabetes.

Walk regularly- This not only keeps you fit but it also decreases the chances of diabetes and cut down the risk of heart diseases.

Manage blood pressure- High BP is catastrophic for your heart health. This can cause an array of health problems including acute heart attack and brain stroke.

These are some of the tips. Watch this video to know everything in detail.
