From Promoting Hair Growth To Preventing Dandruff, Here's Why You Should Try Kalonji Oil

Research found that including kalonji oil as a part of your herbal oil treatment could reduce hair fall by 76%.

Written by: Ritika Sakhuja Updated at: Nov 26, 2023 11:50 IST

If you are looking for a natural remedy for your hair, here's kalonji oil for you. Extracted from the seeds of Nigella sativa, commonly known as black seed or black cumin, this oil has been cherished for centuries for its myriad hair care wonders. 

So much so that a study published in the International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research found that including kalonji oil as a part of your herbal oil treatment could reduce hair fall by 76%.

Here's how kalonji oil can help you get drool-worthy luscious locks 

Nourishing the Scalp

Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, kalonji oil provides the scalp with the nutrients it needs for optimal health. Regular application can contribute to a well-nourished and moisturised scalp, promoting a conducive environment for hair growth.

Stimulating Hair Growth

The active compounds in the oil, including thymoquinone, may promote blood circulation to the hair follicles, encouraging new hair growth. If you are looking to address hair thinning or promote thicker hair, incorporating kalonji oil into your hair care regime can be a natural and effective solution.

Preventing Hair Loss

Kalonji oil's nourishing properties help strengthen hair from the roots, reducing the likelihood of breakage and hair loss. Regular massage with Kalonji oil can fortify your strands and contribute to overall hair resilience.

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Taming Frizz and Enhancing Shine

Kalonji oil's moisturising qualities extend beyond the scalp, making it a potent solution for taming frizz and enhancing shine. Applying a small amount of oil to the lengths of your hair can help smooth down the cuticles, resulting in sleeker, shinier locks.

Addressing Dandruff and Scalp Conditions

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of kalonji oil make it a beneficial ally in addressing scalp conditions, including dandruff. Massaging the oil into the scalp helps soothe irritation and may assist in maintaining a healthy balance, reducing the risk of dandruff and other common scalp issues.

Delaying Premature Graying

While greying is a natural part of ageing, Kalonji oil is believed by some to have properties that can help delay premature greying. Its rich nutrient profile contributes to overall hair health, potentially slowing down the ageing process of hair follicles.

Also Read: Struggling With Hair Loss And Premature Greying? Expert Shares Ayurvedic Herbs You Can Try

In the treasure trove of natural remedies for hair care, kalonji oil shines as a versatile and potent elixir. From nurturing the scalp to promoting hair growth and imparting a natural shine, its benefits make it a valuable addition to your hair care routine. Embrace the centuries-old wisdom encapsulated in kalonji oil, and watch as your hair transforms into a radiant manifestation of health and vitality.


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