Does QCarbo32 Work For Opiates? QCarbo Review With Full Instructions

Does QCarbo32 Work For Opiates? Read this article to find out.

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Written by: Partner ContentUpdated at: Nov 28, 2023 15:54 IST
Does QCarbo32 Work For Opiates? QCarbo Review With Full Instructions

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

If you’re looking for a detox drink to use to pass a drug test then herbal clean QCarbo32 is a name you will come across very quickly.

In this complete QCarbo32 review, you’re going to learn everything you need to know in the next five minutes.

In addition to talking about whether QCarbo32 can pass a drug test, I’ll also be covering these alternatives in detail as well:

Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink

Mega Clean Detox Drink

Toxin Rid Detox Pills

We will cover everything needed to pass a test, including how to use QCarbo32 (full instructions), how a detox drink works, how good QCarbo32 is, the detox drinks to avoid, and the detox drinks that really work.

What Is Herbal Clean QCarbo32?

Herbal Clean is a company that make a lot of detoxification products. Pills, detox drinks, and combo pill/drink products.

Unfortunately, they are mostly awful and don’t work. They are available on sites like Walmart, eBay, and other general marketplaces at very low prices, to attract the newbies and cheapskates.

I’ve tested them all, and they do not remove enough drug toxins for you to get clean to pass a drug test.

QCarbo32 was the original 32oz drink from this company. It got an okay reputation, and it’s widely available. But drug testing has moved on and it’s not highly potent.

In fact, Herbal Clean introduced the new detox drink they claimed was more potent. It was called Ultra Eliminex, and it actually was a good formula that genuinely worked. It was as good as Rescue Cleanse, the market leader.

Unfortunately, they then changed the formula after a couple of years. It’s now virtually the same as QCarbo32, and not as good. But it’s exactly the same price as it was, meaning they are earning even more profit from a worse formula.

How A Detox Drink Works To Flush Out The Body 

To understand if QCarbo32 has the potency to flush out your system, maintain the balance in your urine, and therefore pass a drug test, you have to understand how a detox drink actually works:

  • The detox drink flushes out your system with the volume of liquid it contains. But you could do that with water. The detox drink is different though, because it contains diuretics, and natural ingredients that help to speed up the flow of toxin through the kidneys. This increase in efficiency removes toxins at a significantly quicker rate than is usually naturally achieved.
  • The result of the flushing out is a gap in the toxin flow. It will then take several hours for your body to process fresh toxins through the kidneys, and then to appear in your urine. This is usually between two and five hours during which you can submit a clean sample.
  • To stop your urine being horribly diluted/unbalanced and not containing what it should, the detox drink also floods your body with things found in urine. These are flushed through as waste along with the liquid, appearing in your urine and keeping it seemingly natural.
  • A good quality detox drink also contains vitamins and other minerals that help to stain your urine the correct color as well, so that you would pass a visual inspection and not appear diluted.

A Detox Drink Is A Masking Agent NOT A Permanent Detox Cleanse

As you can see from what I’ve just explained, a detox drink is not a permanent detox. It flushes the toxins out of your body faster than you can achieve naturally so that you have a gap in the toxin flow of a few hours.

So it’s a masking agent. It merely masks the toxins for between two and five hours, so you appear clean to pass a drug test.

If you have really heavy levels of toxins in your body though, it could be less than an hour before you test positive again.

That’s why it’s important you detox before the day of your test if possible, and use detox pills remove more toxins from your body then can be achieved naturally, if you have them to hand and the time to use them.

QCarbo32 Instructions (Full Guide On How To Use QCarbo32 To Pass A Test)

To stand the best chance of passing a drug test using this detox drink, this is how to use QCarbo32:

  • The first step of the QCarbo32 instructions is to detox for as long as possible before the day of your test. Just a single day can make a big difference, and two or three days is the minimum if possible. Drink plenty of water, exercise and sweat, stop taking drugs, don’t drink alcohol, and live healthily to give your body a chance.
  • On the day of your test don’t eat or drink anything for two hours before you drink the detox drink.
  • On the day of your test, 90 minutes before you leave, drink the contents of the QCarbo32 detox drink bottle over 10 minutes. Then refill it and drink that water as well.
  • Urinate several times over the next hour. At least three times, and preferably four. Make sure the last one is just at the end of that hour.
  • Then do a home drug test kit to make sure you are clean. If you’re not, if it’s an unsupervised test, you could still use a high-quality synthetic urine such as Sub Solution.
  • You should be clean for between three and five hours if you are a light to moderate drug user. QCarbo32 will work for opiates, and high levels of cannabis use, but only for a couple of hours. So get yourself to the test center fast and submit that sample.

Does QCarbo32 Work?

Look, QCarbo32 might work for you. It does have the abilities to pass a drug test. But it’s not a very good detox drink.

The formula is not very good for maintaining the balance your urine, and it’s not very good for pushing out more toxins. So I would class it as a mild detox drink that could work if you have very low levels of toxins in your urine.

Overall though, the conclusion of my QCarbo32 review is that I would not recommend it is a detox drink of choice, but it could be one of necessity if there is literally nothing good available (which is why you need to plan your strategy and buy the best right now).

Poor Quality Detox Drinks To Avoid

If you’re looking to pass a drug test, then QCarbo32 is not the detox drink you should be looking to use.

Likewise, these are the detox drinks which are well marketed, popular, talked about, and have deceptively good track records (most of the positive reviews will be old though), that you should completely avoid:

  • Qcarbo32
  • Qcarbo16
  • Qcarbo20
  • Smaller Detoxify Brand Drinks
  • All Stinger Detox Drinks
  • Magnum Detox Drink
  • Champ Flush
  • Ultra Eliminex
  • Quick Clear Detox

Don’t be fooled by the positive user reviews. Some will be faked, but the overwhelming majority are old, or they were very moderate drug users, or simply hadn’t taken drugs for a few days before the test and got lucky.

They were positive back in the day when detox drinks didn’t have to be as smart. Now they do have to be good because of modern drug testing methods.

But unless you know these facts, then you would think that all detox drinks are the same, but some of the worst a little more than flavored water. To give you an example, Stinger detox drinks are all basically the same, no matter what the claim. The proprietary blend, the thing that makes the difference and makes a detox drink, is identical in each.

Even more stupidly, the same proprietary blend is in Stinger detox mouthwash. So basically, they just make a liquid, and then they stick in different bottles and call it different things.

That’s the level of scam you are up against, and why you should only buy highly reputable detox products direct from specialist companies who make them and sell them.

#1 Best Detox Drink: Rescue Cleanse

The number one best quality detox drink on the market is Rescue Cleanse, from the experts Clear Choice.

It’s been helping people to pass drug tests successfully for 15 years, including me.

It’s potent in its formula to push the toxins out of your body, it contains ingredients to keep your urine beautifully balance, and looking exactly like human urine.

The ingredients are beautifully simple as well. Just drink the contents of the bottle with no additional water, urinate frequently, and you’ll get up to 5 hours clean.

#2 Best Detox Drink: Mega Clean

If you can’t get Rescue Cleanse direct from Clear Choice (via the Test Negative website), then Mega Clean is your best alternative.

Although Mega Clean is available to buy from general marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and even at Walmart, it is best bought from

Test Clear are another specialist drug test avoidance firm. If you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear, you’ll get six free Toxin Rid pre-rid pills bundled in free.

That will allow you to do a more potent 24-hour detox on the day before your test. The pills will push out more toxins than can be achieved naturally, leaving less to deal with on the day of your test.

This combo means Mega Clean is better than Rescue Cleanse. But if it’s on its own, it’s not as good as Rescue Cleanse.

But if you have lower levels of toxins in your urine, say you only smoke couple of joints per week, or you take opiates once or twice per week at not ridiculous doses, then even though you’ll be clean in a few days anyway, Mega Clean or Rescue Cleanse will be good enough even 24 hours after your last drug consumption.

Best Detox Strategy: Rescue Cleanse & Toxin Rid Detox Pills

The best strategy to pass a detox drink using your own urine is to cleanse it quickly with detox pills, and then ensure that you mask any remaining toxins on the day of your test using a good quality detox drink.

Toxin Rid are the pills you should use to flood out the toxins. It’s available in course lengths of between a single day and 10 days in length.

The short length courses are suitable for short term detoxification to minimize the amount of toxins a detox drink will have to deal with on the day of your test.

The seven day and higher courses are capable of flushing out all the drug toxins so that you can be completely clean to pass, even as a regular daily smoker or user.

But if you haven’t got a week to get clean, then the combo strategy will definitely work. Even a single day will help, but 48 hour course of Toxin Rid (or three days if possible) is optimal.

Simply take the pills each day, live a healthy lifestyle, and aid pushing out as many drug toxins as possible.

Then, on the day of your test, 90 minutes before you leave, your use the bottle of Rescue Cleanse to mask the remaining toxins. Because you’ll have pushed so many toxins out, you’ll definitely have three, four, or even five hours clean during which you can submit a clean sample.

If you’re a moderate user, that process could have all flushed out the remaining toxins to leave you completely clean.

Just make sure you also buy two or three good quality home drug tests at the same time. They are available from both Test Clear and Test Negative when you buy the detox products I’ve just talked about.

That way, you’ll know if you’re clean on the morning of your test, and you’ll know if you are clean after you have used Rescue Cleanse (or Mega Clean) to mask the toxins.

To finish up here:

  • Mega Clean is available from Test Clear (with six pre-rid pills)
  • Toxin Rid detox pill courses are available from Test Clear
  • Rescue Cleanse detox drink is available from Test Negative (Clear Choice)
Note- This article is written by Brand Desk.
