Are You Troubled With Body Ache In Winter? Try These Tricks For Relief

Home RemediesBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamDec 17, 2020

Are you also someone who suffers from body aches and other pain during the winter season? This is a very common issue that a lot of people deal with. Besides, you tend to get injuries easily in this season and therefore, it is better to be cautious and watch your steps. To relieve body ache, we have some home remedies for you:

  • Ginger- This root is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can effectively reduce swelling. To use ginger for body ache, grind some ginger, put it in a cloth and secure it. Dip the cloth in hot water for a minute. Squeeze out the water and place it on the affected area.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- ACV is also considered very effective in reducing body ache. Add one cup of ACV in a bucket filled with warm water and bath with this water.
  • Cinnamon- This is a potent spice that is useful in relieving many health conditions including aches and arthritis. Besides, it is also helpful in reducing swelling and alleviating joint pain. To get relief from body ache, drink cinnamon milk or add this warm spice to your food.
  • Turmeric- This common Indian spice is also a potent pain-reliever. You must add turmeric to your diet to stay preventive of seasonal winter illnesses. Drinking turmeric milk daily at night can relieve most of the health problems including body ache.

By exercising these remedies, you would get relief from body pain in no time.

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